
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fun times and some Chinese stories :)

Iana and Elsa tumbling...

Daddy playing too...

We are enjoying getting to know Chinese culture and have also learned that that they have a good sense of humor.  

And now, some short stories from China.    

On the day we worked on our adoption paperwork we had to crowd into an elevator.   

It was quite crowded and Iana pushed the stroller right into a man in the back.   

(Elsa wasn't in it of course, she was being held by Daddy.)

When I saw her run into him, I exclaimed 
"Bie Keqi !!!"

He looked puzzled.

I realized I said the wrong word, and said  
"Ohh!"   "Dui bu qi !!"

He just leaned his head back and laughed!

Translation...when he originally got hit by the stroller..I had exclaimed... "You're welcome!!"

Kind of like..take that!

Then after I realized my error I said... "I'm sorry!"


A couple days ago, we went walking down the road and we saw all sorts of folks selling items.   We then passed a man that had a blanket on the ground with only a few trinkets.

I told Ken... "how sad..he can't making anything if he doesn't have hardly anything to sell in the first place.   Let's buy something."

So we stop and I see some little bracelets.   Ok, let's buy those.   I ask him the price.  Then the haggling fever hits me.  So exciting to haggle in Chinese and use my numbers!   We haggle back and forth and agree on a price.  

He opens his wallet to give me change, and I see he has some one yuan notes.   Those are worth .16/each.  Oh dear..I realize I meant to buy something from him to be nice...and then I got haggling fever.

So I hand him back some of the money.  He just leans his head back and laughs.   I think he thinks, what a crazy lady to haggle and then give it back.

The next day I still felt bad, so I bought the rest of the bracelets and paid him extra.  LOL


Last story....

We were walking down the street the other day and a woman that had a shop asked to take a picture of us with her baby.   They think we are fun to look at...especially Iana..they all think she is so beautiful.

Anyhow, she goes to snap the picture...and a crowd forms...they all want to watch.   Then a man comes by to explain what she wants in English.   They are all smiling and so happy.   And speaking to us in Chinese.

And then on this rather poor street, she pulls out an Apple I-phone to take the picture!!!    Those phones cost even more over here then the U.S. for some reason.  That caught me by surprise!   


  1. Oh I love the stories!! More, I want more!! I know, I'm never satisfied ;) I also love seeing Iana and Elsa tumbling together. So precious. Love it. Where's a picture of YOU Nicolie with the girls??? Love you all!

  2. What a blessed time over there. Not only to receive your daughter but to have first hand knowledge and memories of her birth country to talk to her about as she grows up. Your life is a beautiful tapestry for the Lord! I agree with your mom, pictures of you too with the girls! Blessings!
