
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Opportunities for Charity

We are so thankful to have gotten more sleep since we have been in Guangzhou.   The room is divided with a living room that can be separated from the bedroom.     

Iana is finally able to take a nap.   She was "nap-less" the whole time in Nanchang...that wasn't a pretty!

Here is a sweet picture of Elsa in blissful sleep.  

Guangzhou is more of a western type of city.   It is a very big city...our guide said there is about 15 million people that live here.

The air is not so clean like Nanchang.   But the city itself is cleaner, more orderly, and there are more options of where to eat.  :)

The people in Nanchang were mostly poor, but overall they seemed nicer...happier to interact with us.

Guangzhou is a wealthier city, it has a lot of visitors, from all of the world. It's really fun to see so many different nationalities represented here.

We had Elsa's medical exam yesterday.   And tomorrow we have our appointment at the U.S. Consulate to complete the adoption process.  We should be able to pick up her visa on Thursday.

There are so many people involved in the adoption process.   I don't know what we would have done without our guides in both Nanchang and Guangzhou. Such competent and also sweet women.   

They make the appointments....make sure we are transported and make sure everything goes smoothly. They know the ropes and they know how to take care of everything. I am so grateful for them.

Ken and I would like to be a blessing to the Chinese people.   We are only here a short time.

In the U.S. we have to be very careful with our finances...we don't eat out...don't go to movies..or buy new clothes.

But here the economy is very different.   A 10 RMB note is a good tip amount...that is about $1.50.   

Back in Nanchang, the hotel was right in the middle of a poor area, and there was a lot of opportunities to tip a little extra- which would make folks very happy.   

Ken noticed a girl in a wheelchair selling items at a little table...and told me we had to find something to buy from her. 

He discovered that she made the clear covers for on top of the phone screen.  He has been wanting this for a while anyway-so it was perfect.   She went to work cutting out the "film".

After she finished the film -she handed it back to Ken. Her bill was 10 RMB ($1.50).   Ken hands her 25 RMB ($4) and we turn to leave.   

She tried to offer us change, and we shook our hands no.   The girls sweet face was so joyful with a huge smile.   She was so happy.   

It didn't cost us hardly anything, but it really made her day.

There was a taxi driver...he seemed so mechanical... his eyes so dull.   I gave him a 5 RMB tip when we got out (.80 cents), and his eyes lit up, big smile...and he had a swing in his step...just like that he had a better day.  (The ride itself only cost 10 RMB). 

It seems wise not to over do it and give any larger amount away-it might create a mob scene!   So we just try to buy from them, and give an extra tip to play it safe.

I am so thankful for this opportunity to give just this little bit- that is able to bless them.

Please don't think I am bragging about giving away .80 cents!  LOL   I just think it is wonderful that the economies worked out in a way that we could bless people.

God gave me this verse a while back when someone (not a believer) gave me an oil change for free...which had made me quite happy.

Luke 16:8-9 says, "So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly.  For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.  
And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home."

It's a beautiful Biblical principle to use money as a tool- not just for exchanging goods- but for a greater good.   

We are so blessed to be given the opportunity. And I think -when we see their smiles- we may be more blessed then they are.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Adorable picture of Elsa! Thank you! What wonderful opportunities God is giving you to bless people. In being able to give, we are the ones who are most truly blessed! Walk on in His blessing as He puts people in your path to pass that blessing on to. Love you. Ma/Grandmama
