
Friday, April 4, 2014

Answered prayer

Here we are after our flight to Guangzhou... transporting luggage and babies.  :)

I had a very blessed conversation recently.   I was asking a Chinese woman questions about China.  After I finished...I asked if she had any questions for me about America.

She said, actually, yes...and then asked me a Bible marriage type question....which launched into questions concerning salvation.

She asked me about how some people believe people go around and each time and getting better...but the Bible says, either heaven or hell.

I told her yes...the Bible says, that it is appointed unto a man once to die and after this the judgement.

And that all the other religions are based on pride and human achievement.  If you can live again and again...making things better..then your salvation is based on yourself.  We all want to feel good about ourselves.

Christians believe that God is so perfect...and so good..that we can not be good enough...and all of our righteousness is like filthy rags.   That we need Jesus to pay the price for us.

I told her it was like this adoption, and motioned at Elsa.

Elsa can not raise the money to be adopted.   
She can't make anyone come to take her.   
She can't fill out the paperwork.  
She can not do anything.

Everything is up to the parents.   
We choose her.  
We pay the price.   
And we come to get her.

And that is how it is with God.   He does everything.

When I started talking about Elsa and the felt like God's Spirit was really was like a small cloud of His Spirit was around us.   

I finished talking, and her eyes were looking intently at me.  She paused for a minute.

Then she gave a big smile, and her eyes got very bright.   

And she said, "I see.   I understand.   Thank you so very much for explaining this to me.  I am so glad to have someone explain this to me.   I met Christians before, and they tell me they are Christian, but they don't tell me what it means.   Now, I understand."

I told her, all she had to do was pray and ask God to forgive her sins because of what Jesus did for her, and ask Him to adopt her into his family.

After that she was very interested in hearing Elsa's God directed us to her.

It was a beautiful conversation...and afterwards I remembered Christy praying before we left, for such an opportunity...and I know others must have prayed for this too.

And I have never had such an open door in my life to share.  And never was the Gospel so easy to connect with someone.

It was truly answered prayer...and a real blessing for me too.  :)


  1. Glory to God! What a beautiful testimony and God given opportunity to share salvation thru Jesus to this woman. May the seed you planted be watered and come to fruitation in Jesus Name.

  2. It's interesting how God can set things up. It's hard not to wonder if the seed you placed will become full grown.

    --Robert Arnold

    P.S. So, when can I go to China for a couple weeks?
