
Friday, April 4, 2014

The Chinese people ask Why?

We made it to Guangzhou!   It was a long day-without naps for either child, but they are sleeping finally.

Since it was requested. :)   Here are a couple pics of us as a family walking at the park.   The sun is in our eyes, but you can get the idea.  

(I'm trying to get Elsa to look at the camera.)

I have a cute pic of Elsa and I- but it is on my camera not the phone.   Some day when I get my cable it will be posted.  :)

On another note....

At our hotel we get to meet other families that are adopting.    They are from all different parts of the U.S.   It is so encouraging to talk with them.

I was talking to a Chinese person recently about the U.S. adoptions.    After some conversation, I asked her if it is only Christians, feeling "God directed", who adopt the special-needs children.  I am curious if there are others.

She said yes, it is the Christians that come for special needs.  And from her experience only from the U.S.

She looked down and touched her heart, and said "it really touches my heart, when I see the adoption of children with serious problems, those that can't see or hear."

She said "the Chinese are very curious.   They are very curious why the Americans would want to adopt these children.   Why would they adopt special needs? They are very curious about this."

As we talk, I share with her about the network of blogs from all over the U.S. related to special-need adoptions... a community of people who share and encourage others.   She is amazed at this.

The reality is that for every family that adopts- they are being supported and encouraged by a network of folks back home. The family that adopts represents 50 to 100 Christians who have been supportive of them (through prayer, encouragement, fund-raising etc).

On the plane ride over I was thinking of all the wonderful people that God put in our lives to encourage us on this journey, to help make this happen.

It may not take a village to raise a child, but it really does take a village to adopt a child!

Please don't think that I am patting myself on the back for adopting one child.   There are so many people that continue to adopt over and over and over.  I've met some of them here.  Folks that adopt children with much greater problems then little Elsa's. These are people that have my admiration.  

Sometimes I feel discouraged about the state of the church back at home.   When I see the darkness growing, I wonder if the church is even alive anymore.

But when I look around at the families at the hotel -all from the U.S. adopting these little ones.

The Chinese may not have Christian radio or TV.   They may not have access to Christian news.

But they see over and over, year after year, thousands of Christians coming to China.  Coming to adopt these children that they would not want.   

And when I hear this Chinese woman asking "Why?"

I know that Christ is working through His church in the U.S.   I know the church is alive.    

I can see the body working together, in Christ's perfect harmony.

Reaching out to touch the children, and to touch the Chinese people's hearts.

Oh yes, His body is alive.   

I can hear her heart beating from China.

A steady, rhythmatic beat of His love.

It's a beautiful sound.


  1. I have had your same concerns about the church in America. Seemingly becoming a 'Spiritless' church. 'Having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof'.... I loved the end of your blog, it was such an encouragement and so sweetly written.

    Thank you for the pictures of you guys!!!! Look, there's the Momma and 'not the momma' together with their girls! Yay!! Beautiful.

    Excellent communication Nicolie. Thankyou.

  2. Love the family pictures with you in them!! How blessed you all are! Praying all goes well in China and for a safe uneventful travel home. I have found the body of Christ scattered through out the world on the internet but not many true believers in the actual churches "buildings...organization" themselves. So good to know you,. Blessings!
