
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Resurrection Day! Happy Birthday Elsa!

Throughout this adoption process, God has been teaching us about the similarities between God's adoption of His children- and our adoption of little Elsa Mei.

Elsa's birthday happened to fall on Easter this year.

Elsa turned 2 on Sunday.   

And, it was about 2,000 years ago that our Savior adopted us.

"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ, by grace you have been saved..."

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."

"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ..."

"Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God."

"that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."

-passages taken from Ephesians 1 & 2

God makes things beautiful.

Happy Resurrection Sunday or should I say...
Happy Adoption Sunday!  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Home, Sweet, Home

We had such a good trip home-thank you so much for praying!

They told us the flight was going to be so full; however, we ended up with 2 extra seats next to us!      So then we were able to have a space for both Iana and Elsa to lay down.

On the flight over, Iana only slept 1.5 hours.    However, she fell asleep for 6 hours, and Elsa for 8.   We ended up waking them up for breakfast because we were concerned they wouldn't be tired after we landed!

Wow, what a blessing to be concerned they would sleep too long!     That usually happens to other people's children-not mine!  LOL

Elsa really  liked the music on the headphones...she was all smiles.

We are so glad to be back, and so thankful to live in the U.S....clear skies, edible food, drinkable water, among other blessings.   :)


When we landed at LAX, we were held in a dreary sort of room for about 30 minutes while they reviewed Elsa's make sure we could bring her into America.

There was a pretty woman also in there.  She was well-dressed with very nice thick, dark hair; she was probably in her 40's.   She was from Guadalajara.    I asked her what she was in for, and she said she had been there since 11 a.m. (it was then about 7 pm) and she had no idea why she was being held.   She comes and goes from the U.S. often.

She had brought her oldest daughter, who had gotten ill, sitting in that room without any food for so long.  Her daughter had gotten sick from seafood a couple months ago, so the combination made her sick.  They took the daughter to the hospital, but made the Mom stay there, much to her dismay.

While we were waiting, they finally told the Mom why she was being held (8 hours later).  Her daughter had gone to a summer program in the States- which was considered a high-school program and she wasn't supposed to return so soon.   The Mom said it was a mis-understanding...that it was just a summer program but it didn't matter..they had to return home. 

They had to go back once the daughter was back from the hospital-which was going to be a while.

The Mom was very distraught.   She said she didn't understand why they would treat her like this...captive in a little room with  no explanation.  She traveled to and from the U.S. often.   She spent her money in the U.S.   She was coming with her daughter to spend time with some good U.S. friends.   Why would they treat her like this?

I felt very bad for her.   The folks there weren't so friendly, and the room wasn't either.    I tried to encourage her...told her this would pass eventually, she would get through it, and I would pray for her.

She was on my heart all the way home.   My last glance at her, she was sitting with her arms resting on her knees, head down, crying.

I realized that they wouldn't keep a U.S. citizen in such a situation...and no matter how comfortable she is with her relationship with the U.S...the reality is -she is not a citizen.   She doesn't have the rights of a citizen..and that's why she was stuck in that dreary room.  

And it reminded me of the story from Matthew 22...a parable of a king that had a wedding feast for his son.

"So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good.  And the wedding hall was filled with guests.  

But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.  So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?'  And he was speechless.

Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.   For many are called, but few are chosen."

The sweet woman from Guadalajara wept, she was so sad because she was stuck in the shabby room and not allowed into the U.S.   

However, her situation is nothing compared to the grief that folks will have when they come to the realization that they do not have their Heavenly citizenship on that day.    

As much as I am so very thankful to have my U.S. citizenship- our heavenly citizenship is worth far, far more.

And the alternative...well the alternative to heavenly citizenship is much worse than a shabby room, without food, surrounded by crabby people.

What a beautiful city we have to look forward pollution.   

All our invited.  Any immigrant is welcome.     

No gimmicks...the price is paid for by the King.  We just have to say yes to His adoption plan...His plan of redemption.

Unlike the power-seeking earthly leaders...
He is a wonderful Father, a sweet, beautiful, self-sacrificing King.

"Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.   
And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away....

And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.

But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.   The city had not need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it.   The Lamb is its light.

And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.  But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life."
(from Revelations 21)

And that is truly...

Home, Sweet, Home.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Heading Home...and Prayer Requests/Praises

Picture from the garden at our hotel.

We are very ready to go home!    

Would you please pray for our return trip?    On our flight from Nanchang to Guangzhou neither of the girls slept and they were very fussy and that was a short we are a bit scared of the long journey home!

Ken's stomach is much better, which is a praise report.

Iana is not better.    However, today we were blessed with some Pedialyte and Kids Probiotics from a sweet woman named Kristy...there's something about that name ;).  

Hopefully those will help...otherwise the plane flight is going to be really rough.   Right now, Iana doesn't want to eat anything as she doesn't want to be sick anymore.

I ended up getting strep throat - but thankfully got some antibiotics yesterday and am feeling much better.  That's another story...and another answer to prayer.    :)

I am concerned that the girls or Ken will catch my strep-if you would please pray that they won't that would be great!

Anyhow, please please pray for our return flight...we need it!!

There's no place like home...there's no place like home...   :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

She's Ours!

We went to the U.S. Consulate today and had our adoption paperwork processed and said our adoption vows.   Elsa is now officially ours! 

Tomorrow Elsa's visa should be ready-so we can travel.

I could tell you that saying our vows was just so picturesque and serene....that it was just an amazing moment.

But I'll tell you what actually happened instead.  :)

When we got out of the van near the consulate- we were told we could only take our wallets and paperwork in. 

We walked a couple blocks and a thought crossed my mind- hey, what about Elsa's diapers?    Then I thought, oh' we should only be in there an should be ok.    We had to be on time for our appointment.

Then we were in a big room with other adopting families.     A woman with a microphone starts explaining everything- and then a terrible stench fills the air.   I look around - I hope - I hope - it's not mine.

Ken looks...yup, it's Elsa.  No diapers.. no wipes..and a horrible smell.  Oh' dear.

We start to say our vows...I lift up my right hand to start repeating...meanwhile Iana is asking me for a snack (I have to explain, several times, between the vows that all the snacks are in the van).    

There is a little girl that won't let Elsa play with any of the toys.   So Elsa walks around with a terrible stench.
And my throat is killing me (more on this another time).

We finish our vows. 

I notice a woman that has diapers-someone told her she could bring a clear bag with items in- so she brought some with her.  She is very nice and gives me a diaper and some wipes.

Her daughter happened to have exploded at the same time as Elsa.   That's double trouble for you!

I take her to the bathroom to change her diaper..and miss my number call to the window (it's kind of like the DMV)... so we wait and they call us again.

We went back to the hotel room, and I had to run down to the lobby for a minute.

When I returned, Elsa (for the first time) ran to me with a huge smile to give me a hug.   

And I realized that's just like natural birth.

It is messy and there can be complications.

But at the end of the day...when you look down at that sweet face... you know...

That you just added another member to your family.

And that it was all worth it.  :)  

Monday, April 7, 2014

Prayer Request

Would you please pray for Ken, Iana and Elsa?  They all have tummy problems.    

Oh' and I mixed up the days...our Consulate apt is actually Wednesday...not today.

We played at the park a little today.

Elsa is always taking out her hair clips...that's why there is only one in the pics.   They are being scattered around China.  :)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Some fun Elsa pics

Elsa loves the water

Opportunities for Charity

We are so thankful to have gotten more sleep since we have been in Guangzhou.   The room is divided with a living room that can be separated from the bedroom.     

Iana is finally able to take a nap.   She was "nap-less" the whole time in Nanchang...that wasn't a pretty!

Here is a sweet picture of Elsa in blissful sleep.  

Guangzhou is more of a western type of city.   It is a very big city...our guide said there is about 15 million people that live here.

The air is not so clean like Nanchang.   But the city itself is cleaner, more orderly, and there are more options of where to eat.  :)

The people in Nanchang were mostly poor, but overall they seemed nicer...happier to interact with us.

Guangzhou is a wealthier city, it has a lot of visitors, from all of the world. It's really fun to see so many different nationalities represented here.

We had Elsa's medical exam yesterday.   And tomorrow we have our appointment at the U.S. Consulate to complete the adoption process.  We should be able to pick up her visa on Thursday.

There are so many people involved in the adoption process.   I don't know what we would have done without our guides in both Nanchang and Guangzhou. Such competent and also sweet women.   

They make the appointments....make sure we are transported and make sure everything goes smoothly. They know the ropes and they know how to take care of everything. I am so grateful for them.

Ken and I would like to be a blessing to the Chinese people.   We are only here a short time.

In the U.S. we have to be very careful with our finances...we don't eat out...don't go to movies..or buy new clothes.

But here the economy is very different.   A 10 RMB note is a good tip amount...that is about $1.50.   

Back in Nanchang, the hotel was right in the middle of a poor area, and there was a lot of opportunities to tip a little extra- which would make folks very happy.   

Ken noticed a girl in a wheelchair selling items at a little table...and told me we had to find something to buy from her. 

He discovered that she made the clear covers for on top of the phone screen.  He has been wanting this for a while anyway-so it was perfect.   She went to work cutting out the "film".

After she finished the film -she handed it back to Ken. Her bill was 10 RMB ($1.50).   Ken hands her 25 RMB ($4) and we turn to leave.   

She tried to offer us change, and we shook our hands no.   The girls sweet face was so joyful with a huge smile.   She was so happy.   

It didn't cost us hardly anything, but it really made her day.

There was a taxi driver...he seemed so mechanical... his eyes so dull.   I gave him a 5 RMB tip when we got out (.80 cents), and his eyes lit up, big smile...and he had a swing in his step...just like that he had a better day.  (The ride itself only cost 10 RMB). 

It seems wise not to over do it and give any larger amount away-it might create a mob scene!   So we just try to buy from them, and give an extra tip to play it safe.

I am so thankful for this opportunity to give just this little bit- that is able to bless them.

Please don't think I am bragging about giving away .80 cents!  LOL   I just think it is wonderful that the economies worked out in a way that we could bless people.

God gave me this verse a while back when someone (not a believer) gave me an oil change for free...which had made me quite happy.

Luke 16:8-9 says, "So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly.  For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.  
And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home."

It's a beautiful Biblical principle to use money as a tool- not just for exchanging goods- but for a greater good.   

We are so blessed to be given the opportunity. And I think -when we see their smiles- we may be more blessed then they are.  :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Answered prayer

Here we are after our flight to Guangzhou... transporting luggage and babies.  :)

I had a very blessed conversation recently.   I was asking a Chinese woman questions about China.  After I finished...I asked if she had any questions for me about America.

She said, actually, yes...and then asked me a Bible marriage type question....which launched into questions concerning salvation.

She asked me about how some people believe people go around and each time and getting better...but the Bible says, either heaven or hell.

I told her yes...the Bible says, that it is appointed unto a man once to die and after this the judgement.

And that all the other religions are based on pride and human achievement.  If you can live again and again...making things better..then your salvation is based on yourself.  We all want to feel good about ourselves.

Christians believe that God is so perfect...and so good..that we can not be good enough...and all of our righteousness is like filthy rags.   That we need Jesus to pay the price for us.

I told her it was like this adoption, and motioned at Elsa.

Elsa can not raise the money to be adopted.   
She can't make anyone come to take her.   
She can't fill out the paperwork.  
She can not do anything.

Everything is up to the parents.   
We choose her.  
We pay the price.   
And we come to get her.

And that is how it is with God.   He does everything.

When I started talking about Elsa and the felt like God's Spirit was really was like a small cloud of His Spirit was around us.   

I finished talking, and her eyes were looking intently at me.  She paused for a minute.

Then she gave a big smile, and her eyes got very bright.   

And she said, "I see.   I understand.   Thank you so very much for explaining this to me.  I am so glad to have someone explain this to me.   I met Christians before, and they tell me they are Christian, but they don't tell me what it means.   Now, I understand."

I told her, all she had to do was pray and ask God to forgive her sins because of what Jesus did for her, and ask Him to adopt her into his family.

After that she was very interested in hearing Elsa's God directed us to her.

It was a beautiful conversation...and afterwards I remembered Christy praying before we left, for such an opportunity...and I know others must have prayed for this too.

And I have never had such an open door in my life to share.  And never was the Gospel so easy to connect with someone.

It was truly answered prayer...and a real blessing for me too.  :)

The Chinese people ask Why?

We made it to Guangzhou!   It was a long day-without naps for either child, but they are sleeping finally.

Since it was requested. :)   Here are a couple pics of us as a family walking at the park.   The sun is in our eyes, but you can get the idea.  

(I'm trying to get Elsa to look at the camera.)

I have a cute pic of Elsa and I- but it is on my camera not the phone.   Some day when I get my cable it will be posted.  :)

On another note....

At our hotel we get to meet other families that are adopting.    They are from all different parts of the U.S.   It is so encouraging to talk with them.

I was talking to a Chinese person recently about the U.S. adoptions.    After some conversation, I asked her if it is only Christians, feeling "God directed", who adopt the special-needs children.  I am curious if there are others.

She said yes, it is the Christians that come for special needs.  And from her experience only from the U.S.

She looked down and touched her heart, and said "it really touches my heart, when I see the adoption of children with serious problems, those that can't see or hear."

She said "the Chinese are very curious.   They are very curious why the Americans would want to adopt these children.   Why would they adopt special needs? They are very curious about this."

As we talk, I share with her about the network of blogs from all over the U.S. related to special-need adoptions... a community of people who share and encourage others.   She is amazed at this.

The reality is that for every family that adopts- they are being supported and encouraged by a network of folks back home. The family that adopts represents 50 to 100 Christians who have been supportive of them (through prayer, encouragement, fund-raising etc).

On the plane ride over I was thinking of all the wonderful people that God put in our lives to encourage us on this journey, to help make this happen.

It may not take a village to raise a child, but it really does take a village to adopt a child!

Please don't think that I am patting myself on the back for adopting one child.   There are so many people that continue to adopt over and over and over.  I've met some of them here.  Folks that adopt children with much greater problems then little Elsa's. These are people that have my admiration.  

Sometimes I feel discouraged about the state of the church back at home.   When I see the darkness growing, I wonder if the church is even alive anymore.

But when I look around at the families at the hotel -all from the U.S. adopting these little ones.

The Chinese may not have Christian radio or TV.   They may not have access to Christian news.

But they see over and over, year after year, thousands of Christians coming to China.  Coming to adopt these children that they would not want.   

And when I hear this Chinese woman asking "Why?"

I know that Christ is working through His church in the U.S.   I know the church is alive.    

I can see the body working together, in Christ's perfect harmony.

Reaching out to touch the children, and to touch the Chinese people's hearts.

Oh yes, His body is alive.   

I can hear her heart beating from China.

A steady, rhythmatic beat of His love.

It's a beautiful sound.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Flying to Guangzhou

There should be a video above of Iana and Elsa playing together.      They don't have a tunnel- so they use Ken's legs.

We got a breath of fresh air yesterday afternoon.   Elsa seems to be adapting so much better.   Thank you so much for praying for this.   There is still room for improvement, but things are going so much better now.

Elsa smiled when I picked her up and hugged her.   She ran over to hold onto my legs, and let me push her in the stroller.

Elsa also is playing so much better with Iana.   They are tumbling and playing all the time.    Elsa is quite feisty and plays hard to try to "win" over Iana.   

Elsa smirks and chuckles when she thinks she has "bested" Iana.    Then after Iana tumbles her back down...Elsa gets up and comes back for more.

It's really fun to see them playing together.

We are leaving Nanchang today -to fly to Guangzhou. The U.S. Consulate is there and that's where we will get the adoption finalized.

Nanchang is a small city by Chinese standards, only 6 million people.  :)   The air is fresh and the people are friendly.    They have the most beautiful park, that I would like to post pictures of eventually.

Guangzhou will be a new adventure.  :)   We are looking forward to moving on in the process.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fun times and some Chinese stories :)

Iana and Elsa tumbling...

Daddy playing too...

We are enjoying getting to know Chinese culture and have also learned that that they have a good sense of humor.  

And now, some short stories from China.    

On the day we worked on our adoption paperwork we had to crowd into an elevator.   

It was quite crowded and Iana pushed the stroller right into a man in the back.   

(Elsa wasn't in it of course, she was being held by Daddy.)

When I saw her run into him, I exclaimed 
"Bie Keqi !!!"

He looked puzzled.

I realized I said the wrong word, and said  
"Ohh!"   "Dui bu qi !!"

He just leaned his head back and laughed!

Translation...when he originally got hit by the stroller..I had exclaimed... "You're welcome!!"

Kind of like..take that!

Then after I realized my error I said... "I'm sorry!"


A couple days ago, we went walking down the road and we saw all sorts of folks selling items.   We then passed a man that had a blanket on the ground with only a few trinkets.

I told Ken... "how sad..he can't making anything if he doesn't have hardly anything to sell in the first place.   Let's buy something."

So we stop and I see some little bracelets.   Ok, let's buy those.   I ask him the price.  Then the haggling fever hits me.  So exciting to haggle in Chinese and use my numbers!   We haggle back and forth and agree on a price.  

He opens his wallet to give me change, and I see he has some one yuan notes.   Those are worth .16/each.  Oh dear..I realize I meant to buy something from him to be nice...and then I got haggling fever.

So I hand him back some of the money.  He just leans his head back and laughs.   I think he thinks, what a crazy lady to haggle and then give it back.

The next day I still felt bad, so I bought the rest of the bracelets and paid him extra.  LOL


Last story....

We were walking down the street the other day and a woman that had a shop asked to take a picture of us with her baby.   They think we are fun to look at...especially Iana..they all think she is so beautiful.

Anyhow, she goes to snap the picture...and a crowd forms...they all want to watch.   Then a man comes by to explain what she wants in English.   They are all smiling and so happy.   And speaking to us in Chinese.

And then on this rather poor street, she pulls out an Apple I-phone to take the picture!!!    Those phones cost even more over here then the U.S. for some reason.  That caught me by surprise!