
Monday, April 29, 2013


So we really wanted to adopt this little girl.   We were all set....except there was this was one little thing holding me back....
Risk.   I don't like it.   I try to never put my eggs all in one basket.   My thought is to always watch others, learn from their mistakes, and avoid as many pitfalls as I can.    I just don't like risk.  I like the sure bet.
I told the Lord that I didn't like risk, but He didn't agree with me.    This is how I know.
A few nights after I saw the posting on the little Chinese girl, I was praying and told the Lord how I felt about risk.   And that with all the money needed...oh my...such risk.   Oh' how could we do that?
The next morning I went into the kitchen, and Jack Hibbs (Real Radio) was on and he said, "Christians don't like risk".   Oh my, that was me!   He went on to say something like, "Christians don't like risk, they don't want to do anything.   What are you going to do, keep $100 in your pocket and never spend it because you don't know where to put it, and then die with it still in your pocket?   Give the $100 to God.   Don't hold onto things, do things for God."
So then I went to MOPS.   After the speaker shared, a gal from my table asked her how she started this speaking ministry she was involved with (The Hope Filled Road)?   The speaker said, "following Jesus is risky, He doesn't show you everything all at once, just one step at a time."
Then later in the day a Pastor came on the radio (I think it was the "Telling the Truth" program).   He was talking about the movie Schindler's List.   He said the most moving part for him was the end of the movie.   After the war was over, the Jews were freed, and Mr. Schindler looked down on his business suit and he saw a gold pin.  He realized that the gold pin could have been sold and would have saved 2-3 Jewish lives, but he hadn't noticed it before.  He was so distraught because he realized it was too late, and that the time when the pin's value could have saved lives was over.   The speaker said, "Is there something in your life, that you can do now, that you will not be able to do later, that you will look back on with regret?"
So after all of these messages, and getting prayer, we decided to "lock" this little one in at the adoption agency, and pursue adopting her as our daughter.  Perhaps this is a "test" to see if we will follow God's leading, or perhaps we will be so very blessed to adopt this little girl.  Either way we need to follow Him.
Pursuing what God shows you isn't always going to make sense to others, maybe it will seem risky to yourself.  But if God shows you to do something- you have to get out of the boat.  You have to walk on seemingly uncharted waters, and keep your eyes on Him.   He is your Shepherd and He will guide you as you follow Him.

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