
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Conversation at USCIS

We went to get our fingerprints today, and I had an interesting conversation with my USCIS's a summary of how it went (while getting my fingerprints done).

Him - So, I see you are adopting a child.   Where are you adopting from?

Me- A little girl from China.

Him- Is she younger or older than your daughter?   (He saw Iana was with us.)

Me- She is only 1 year.

There we chatted about how old my daughter was and their age differences; and how Iana was happy to be a helper, and wanted to help her new sister already...

Him- That is wonderful that your daughter wants to help.  She has compassion.   We need to be more like little children and have compassion, instead of thinking about ourselves so much.

Me- Yes, that's true.

Him- I hear that Chinese adoptions take a long time-many years.

Me- Ours won't be so long.   It will be fast...because she is special needs...(pause...I could see he was still interested)... she is blind.

Him-That is great that you will adopt her!!   That is compassion to adopt her, because I come from a 3rd world country and in my  home country and in China- a child that is born with something like that -once they are born their life is over.  Since I have come to America, I have found many people that are compassionate and want to adopt and help these children.   In my country, you would not find that.   They want everything just right about the child, and if it is not-they will not adopt the child.  

Me- Well, I read about her information and felt God was showing me to adopt her, and so I prayed about it, and felt very much that God would want us to adopt her.

Him- Oh' that's wonderful.   That's great.    People will kneel, pray, go to church, and what does it mean?   But saving a life-now, that means something.   (He then repeats about how one born with something wrong in China- that their life is over-and that by adopting her-we are saving her life).    

Me-  Well, God does say Pure and undefiled religion is this, helping widows and orphans in their trouble.

Him- Yes...what God would say, Buddha would also say....same thing.  

Me- Are you Buddhist?

Him- Yes, and they are the same...just need to love people.   God doesn't care if we love Him.   He is too big for that.    We just follow His example and Buddha's example.

Me- Hmmm...but God still wants to have a relationship with us.

Him- Yes, but in Buddhism, we keep going around and around, until we do good things.   Like what you are doing, this is a good thing to do (says this very assuredly).  

Some pauses here as I fill out info and he helps someone.   He also mentions how many opportunities there are for blind people in many opportunities there are in America verses in China.

Me- (praying in my head)   May I tell you something?

Him- Yes.

Me - I know Buddha says we go around and around to do good things, but as a Christian, I believe that it is Jesus that does my good work for me.   That Jesus died on the cross for my sins, so that I can ask Him into my heart to forgive me, so that I can go to heaven.    And that it doesn't make me better to God if I do anything good, even like this adoption, that it isn't enough, that it's only what Jesus did that matters.

Then we chitty chat a bit about Christianity and Catholicism (which he had experience with).

And then it is time to leave.   

I have never been given the opportunity to share about Jesus to someone so easily.  It was handed to me on a silver platter.   I wonder if any more doors will open for people to hear about Jesus, because of Elsa?


  1. Good job Nicolie. There will be many many more opportunities; all of her and your life, because God is doing a great work in what appears to us as a simple (yet complicated by the world!) thing; which is just sharing God's love & heart and listening to His voice. Yes, this is just the beginning of life's that will be changed; not just Elsa's and your family & all of ours; but many many life's. To God be the glory great things He has done and is doing!
    xx & oo Momma/Grandmama

  2. Oooh this made me cry. So beautiful.
