
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Conversations with my almost 3 year old

We have been talking to Iana about when Elsa Mei gets here-and here are a few conversations we had today.

Me:  (While outside on the swing set).   When Elsa Mei gets here, you will want to let her swing in your blue swing-because it is especially for babies.

Iana:  (while swinging)  But this is Iana's swing.

Me:   Yes, but you have a big girl swing, and Elsa Mei is little-so she will need to go in the blue swing because it is safer for her.

Iana:  OK, Elsa Mei will ride in the blue swing... and Iana will push her.


Me:  When Elsa Mei gets here, are you going to help Mommy take care of her?

Iana:  When Elsa Mei gets here- Mama will not take care of her....Iana will take care of her.


Me:  (While arranging her room)   I'm making space in your room for an extra that Iana can have a bed and Elsa Mei can have bed.

Iana:  Mama doesn't need another bed... Elsa Mei will sleep with Iana in Iana's bed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how precious! I love it! Thank you for letting me know you had a new post ;) (passive/aggressive work for you?) Anyhow, you are doing so well preparing Iana for her new little sister. Good job.
    Iana & Elsa's Grandmama
