
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Gotcha Elsa! And some interesting news....

We got Elsa today!!!    

And we also learned some interesting things about Elsa.

Three very nice folks from the orphanage including the director brought her to the hotel lobby.

First here is a picture:

So what did we learn that was interesting?

1.  Elsa can see!
They said that around her first birthday she started acting like she can see.  They said her vision also seems like it is improving as she is getting older.   
She has a type of cataract on her eyes, but if this can be removed, perhaps she can see more.    
For now, she brings items very close to her face...but wow, that was a blessing to find out.

2.   The orphanage director said that she is the most easy-going baby they have ever had.   He said she eats anything, plays with anything, just an easy baby.

3.  They said she is very smart.   She will go find a chair, put it against the door, turn the knob and run outside to play.   She is very curious and is constantly is fun to watch her.  She is self-entertaining and just on the go!

Tomorrow we are going to have a busy day getting adoption paperwork done.

Would you please pray that we can sleep -Iana woke up at 1 a.m. this morning, so we are all quite tired.

And also please pray for Iana and Elsa's relationship...there is a lot of changes going on.

So, I can't find my camera USB cord and so I'm using this picture from Ken's phone.   As soon as I find my cord I'll post more pictures!


  1. Oh my gosh. Crying and crying and crying. She looks like Iana!! Look at her little mouth & chin! Oh Nicolie, she can see??? Oh my gosh. She can see. Oh my gosh. And here I was ready to give her my eyes ;) I just can't believe it. Oh my gosh.

  2. She is precious!!!!!! What a special time for you all! And Glory to God! She can see some! What wonderful news! Praying for you all!

  3. Hi,
    I shared this with several people at church. We are all amazed. We're still praying for you guys.
    --Robert, Theresa, Joshua, & Naomi

  4. OHHHHH she's such a miracle!!!!! And she looks so much like Iana!!! I can hardly wait to see the miracles that follow!! Praying behind you!!!
