
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Waiting for our I-797 and Orphanage update

(Sung to the tune of Sailing, Sailing...)    Waiting, Waiting...Waiting for our 797....

We just got some new pictures of our little Elsa from the orphanage!!   I don't know how I can miss her so much- when I have never seen her in person.

She is so adorable.   I have the song "You must have been a beautiful baby" in my head.  :)

(I have to wait to post pictures until later.)

I really like anything sheep adorable.   When we bought our house there was a sheep in the stain-glass window above the door.   My husband said, "See this house is for us, there is even a sheep above the door!"

In the pictures of Elsa, she is sitting in a little sheep walker.    so sweet.

The books I have been reading about raising a blind baby have been so encouraging and helpful.    One of the suggestions is about warning them before you pick them up-so they aren't startled.    It's kind of like if someone hugs you from behind-if you don't know they are coming-it can make you jump!    Same with the little ones that don't see you are supposed to let them know that you are going to pick them up before doing so.

Anyhow, the book also talks about how delayed a blind baby often is, and we also have heard how far behind children in orphanages can get, and well I figured when we got there, she would be about 2 years old- but probably she wouldn't even be sitting up.    They also talk about  how important it is to teach them to reach out-since they don't see anything-they often don't reach.   The authors kept saying how important it is to start early with a blind baby, teaching them things.  

After reading this, I was growing increasingly concerned that during this pivotal stage in life, that she would be falling more and more behind.

And then in one of the pictures we just shows her standing up... walking... while gripping her helper's hand to pull her along too.   Her hand is outstretched in front, reaching out.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.   

Wow, what a blessing that picture was to receive!  :)

"Like cold water to a weary soul,
So is good news from a distant land."

Proverbs 25:25

**Pictures added to this post on 1/8/2014 after we got our LOA-these are the ones from Sept**

1 comment:

  1. The Lord is filling your heart with song; beautiful! I feel like OUR child is being kept from us in a far away land! I am so eager for you guys to go get her. Even though I know you'll not want to overwhelm her with everyone and that she'll need to acclimate to her new family before you throw all of the rest of us at her (metaphorically speaking ;) I'm still hoping to see her as soon as possible when you bring her home! Praying praying over in Riverside (sung to the tune of 'Sailing Sailing' also; it's another verse!) Perfect application of God's Word from Proverbs too!
    Love the stories, love the baby, so grateful for her already! Oh yeah, love you too :) XX & OO to Iana too!!
