
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

God's timing is perfect.

About a month ago, I mailed off all of our dossier paperwork-thinking it would be filed shortly after.    The only item I needed was our Home Study and I thought that was complete, because Ken and I had completed everything on our end.

However, our Home Study took longer than I had thought.   Although we had finished everything, it still needed to be written up and reviewed by a number of folks.  

Home studies can be completed at various time intervals, and I was mistaken as to how long it would take.   I was still naturally disappointed, until my friend Jacci reminded me that God's timing is perfect.   I felt reassured of God's timing after she shared with me a recent story of how God blessed their family with His own sovereign timing in their own lives.

After hearing her story it calmed my fears, and I felt reassured.    I know that for my part, I have finished my paperwork as quickly as possible for my daughter.   And if folks take longer than I would prefer- I will leave that in God's hands.    Everyone has their own mental wrestling of how to prioritize their own work load.   I am still doing my "due diligence" by following up with folks, but it isn't for me to strive and push for my own will...because perhaps I will be striving with God in actuality.

My desire is that our little Elsa would be home with us as fast as possible, but God sees the bigger picture.   I need to trust Him with the timing of when she comes home.  And to trust Him that others are looking out and taking care of her-until we can get her.

The good news is that our home study is officially complete and we received the notarized copies end of last week.   They were well done and very favorable towards us, and I so very much appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into their preparation.   They were mailed off to the adoption agency and were received today.   My adoption agency told me that our 800a form would be filed with USCIS (Immigration Approval) today.

The plan is that in a few weeks, we will receive a fingerprint apt. notice, and few weeks after our fingerprints are processed, we will receive our approval in the mail.    This is the last item to officially complete our Dossier-and then it will be sent to China.

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 comment:

  1. Praying for another Christmas baby in our family; I can't help it, I just think it would be perfect if she was here by then. That's my personal prayer ;) After my FIRST prayer (which really isn't my FIRST prayer; my real first prayer is for her safety as she awaits coming home), which is that she will recognize our voices somehow, in God's grace and mercy, that we, especially mommy & daddy, will have something about their voices that she recognizes from someone in her life now! I believe God put this prayer in my heart because it is so obscure. Love you all. Mom/Grandmama
