
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Afraid to make a mistake?

A couple months ago, before I called to put a "hold" on Elsa Mei, I was afraid.

I was afraid that I wasn't hearing the Lord right, and that perhaps I was making a mistake.   A mistake that would affect not only my own family, but also little Elsa.   My fear was that if I stepped forward and put a hold on her, and something was to happen and we weren't able to adopt her- that by the time she was released from the hold-she would be older and might miss out on being adopted all together.  I didn't want to risk messing anything up for her future.

My friend Jacci put my fears at ease.   She told me that we are stepping forward in faith, and that if we were wrong, that God would make something good out of it, not only for us, but for Elsa as well.   She said perhaps we would put her on hold, and something will happen and we won't be able to adopt- but the hold will keep Elsa from being adopted by a really mean person.    She said that if we act in faith- that God will work good out of it.     That really reassured me and the next day I called to put a "hold" on Elsa.

Later, I mentioned to someone how it was interesting that God was giving me verses and messages by pastors that spoke to me, and I was still hesitant; but Ken didn't have any messages, but still said yes to adoption.   He said that God knows what we need.   That for me, God knows that I would need a lot of confirmation, and God knows that Ken doesn't need that much.   After he said this I realized it was true.  Psalm 32:9 talks about a "horse and a mule", and it always has reminded me of Ken and I.   Ken is eager to get going like the horse, and I'm more like a cautious, slow-going mule.   This is another reason that God paired us up together, so that we could average.

My sister Erica and I were talking yesterday about how back when she was in Bible College some guys were discussing about how most people give up what they are passionate about when they become Christians, and they didn't know why Christians did that.  Perhaps we think everyone needs to fit a certain mold, or maybe we are afraid to make a mistake.

My Aunt Reidel posted on FB this morning this quote: “Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”   ― Howard Thurman    

I just finished reading Ecclesiastes, and I came across this verse.  Ecclesiastes 11:9.

"Rejoice, O young man, in your youth,
And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth;
Walk in the ways of your heart,
And in the sight of your eyes;
But know that for all these
God will bring you into judgment."

The point is that if there is something you love, something you are passionate about- pursue it.   Check your motives.  And as long as you seeking to please God in what you do, and it doesn't conflict with what He has written in His Word, the Bible, then move forward.    

Of course, it's wise to continue to pray for God's wisdom and guidance along any path we are on (James 1:5).

Some people will never "hear" from God about adopting children.   They may never hear a message or a Bible verse that particularly speaks to them.   But in their hearts- they know they want to adopt children, and they are passionate about that.   God knows that those folks don't need the "special messages"- and so He doesn't give them. 

I am a bit of a stubborn mule, and so God may get me moving by giving me messages about adoption.   But if you never get those messages, that is OK too.

Follow what you are passionate about.   In Jesus there is freedom.  

James 1:27 says, "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

God said it already.

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