
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

God Knows My Size!

Over a year ago we were given a bag full of adorable little girl shoes.   They were practically new and quite cute.  All size 5.  

Unfortunately they were a size smaller than my daughter wore.  So I saved them.

I just got Elsa's new measurements, and used the numbers to figure out her shoe size.

Want to guess what size she is?

Yup...size 5.

Elsa is going to have some really cute shoes!

This reminded me of the book God Knows My Size!  

It's a biography of a poor Romanian girl.   If you haven't ever read this'll be blessed to read it.  :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mr. Teddy Bear Ambassador

A lot of folks send pictures (with other gifts) to the child they are adopting- to prepare them for coming home.

Hmmm....that won't work so well with Elsa.    So we needed someone who can talk, and it certainly would be nice if they were cute.

Introducing....our Teddy Bear Ambassador.

At Build-A-Bear we can make a 10 second recording that goes into the Bear's paw.   In the other paw we threw in a "giggle" sound...because, well, it was cute.

Iana picked out the bear.

So when Elsa presses the paw, she will hear us say "Nihao" ("Hi" in Chinese), and then Mommy, Daddy and Iana introducing ourselves; and then we told her we loved her all together.

I sent it with some cute stuffed animals for the other children.   This way they won't be sad or jealous of Elsa's new toy.   I got the others stuffed animals new on ebay-quite the deal.  :)

Anyhow, Mr. Teddy Bear Ambassador and his 13 friends left for China and should arrive on or about March 1st to make his introduction.

(They said there were 12 children-so there is one extra just in case.)

We hope he will have a good journey and make a good impression.  :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Elsa Mei Update!

We got a new update on Elsa Mei!  

It looks like it was raining over there-Elsa is sporting a little rain jacket.

My daughter Iana said: "Why does Elsa Mei look sad?"
Hmmm...Maybe she is thinking.

Here she is looking happy though!   With her arms stretched out a bit...she looks like she is ready to be picked up. 
I wish I was there to pick her up!


We've sent a dark-haired ambassador over to China to meet with Elsa for us.   I'll post more about that later!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

U.S. Consulate process and Fanny Crosby

The National Visa Center finished our paperwork, and it was hand delivered yesterday to the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China!

The Consulate should take about 2 weeks and then send our info over to CCCWA (China folks in charge of adoptions).   They should take about 4-6 weeks and then give us TA - our Travel Approval.

Our agency thinks we are still on schedule for traveling at the end of March.

We were also blessed with a $500 donation, given to our agency!    The money is a big blessing, but the support and encouragement that the money represents is also huge. 

And now for the 2nd book I have read recently about folks who were blind that also have lived extraordinary lives.  :)


Did you know that Fanny Crosby was blind and wrote over 8,000 hymns?
"Crosby has generally been represented by the largest number of hymns of any writer of the twentieth century in nonliturgical hymnals...and was also arguably the most influential female theologian in Christian history" (Wikipedia).
She wrote some of my favorite hymns "Blessed Assurance" and "To God be the Glory".
In response to her blindness she wrote, "It seemed intended by the blessed providence of God that I should be blind all my life, and I thank Him for the dispensation.   If perfect earthly sight were offered me tomorrow I would not accept it.  I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me."
She wrote many, many hymns for the Moody and Sankey evangelistic meetings.  
She composed hymns so quickly in her head, here is one example:
"Generally, when a melody is given, I choose my own subject.  Sometimes the melody suggests the subject at once; if it does not I lay it aside until another time.   Sometimes the words to the melody come to me faster than I can remember them.    One evening, for instance, Mr. Sankey played a sweet air.  I excused myself and went to my room to compose the words to 'O My Redeemer"  (page 177).
She spoke several times to Congress, as well as to President Polk.
She also wrote poetry...lots of poetry.  
She spoke before various religious bodies..."such as the Young Men's Christian Associations, Sabbath schools and churches of many creeds" (pg. 166).
She has some good advice regarding how to treat those not following the Lord:
"I could give more than one instance where men have been reclaimed, after a long struggle and many attempts at reformation, because someone spoke a kind word to them even at what appeared to be the last moment.  I have also known many others who turned away from a meeting simply because the cheering word had not been spoken, nor the helping hand extended.
Never to chide the erring has always been my policy, for I firmly believe that harsh words only serve to harden hearts that might otherwise be softened into repentance" (page 156).
Fanny also had quite a sense of humor.
She also had an amazing memory.   She said there is so more we could remember if we simply would give "memory a chance".   She would write an entire book of 40 hymns in her head, and only have it written down once it was completed.
And I'll end this book review :)  with the words to her song Blessed Assurance...
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

Refrain:This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long; this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight!
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Perfect submission, all is at rest!
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Immigration Approval!! I-800 approved!

USCIS mailed us our immigration approval for Elsa! 
Otherwise called form I-800.  :)

This is different from our first I-800a which approved us as a family...this one has approved Elsa as the specific child we will adopt.
Our paperwork is now being processed by the National Visa Center and then it will be forwarded to the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China...this part of the process should take 4-5 weeks...and then we will be waiting on China to give us our TA- Travel Approval.
Exciting times! 
Also, I have just finished two wonderful books (Thanks, for the recommendations, Mom) about amazing folks who have lived exceptional lives, who were also blind.
The most recent is called "Thunder Dog".  It follows the story of Mike and his guide dog, Roselle, and their escape from one of the twin towers on 9-11.

Mike is happily married man, and was also a successful sales manager in NY.  And after reading a few chapters, I realized he is also a Christian.
This is a quote from page 125:
"If there is just one message about blindness that I could share with sighted people, it would be this:   It's okay to be blind.  It won't ruin your life or drain away all joy and satisfaction.  It won't strangle your creativity or lower your intelligence.  It won't keep you from traveling and experiencing life in other places.  It won't separate you from friends and family.  It won't keep you from falling in love, getting married, and having a family of your own.  It won't prevent you from getting a job and making a living.  Blindness doesn't mean the end of the world.   And with technology and education, blindness can be reduced from an all-consuming disability to just another human limitation, of which there are many.   There is more to life than eye function."
Well said... 
More on the other book later...  :)