
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Forms, Blessings and Locusts

The next day after our agency called us about our LOA- we received a stack of new papers to sign and send back immediately.

There was all sorts of information to fill out for our visas, USCIS had more forms for immigration approval, our agency had more forms, and our LOA needed to be signed.   Some of it needed to be notarized.

We rushed to get them finished and overnighted back to our agency.

Ken had the flu, but we needed one more passport photo for his visa, so we drove over, got his picture, made a quick stop at the pharmacy for his medicine, and then got him back home to bed.
What a wonderful daddy, already sacrificing even while sick. :)

I was thinking how interesting it is that we were busy, scurrying around to get everything done, when half-way across the world there is a little girl probably having a calm sort of day, with no understanding of all the commotion being raised, for her benefit.

We got a packet of travel information- Wow, that makes it all seem so much more real!

Recently, I had been adding up the items we had been selling from the rummage sale, and we were just at about $2,000.    I told the Lord that I was so glad for the $2,000, but what I would really like is another $2,000.  That's what I really wanted, because well, we needed it.  :)

We then received a letter from our agency saying that we had an anonymous donation of $2100 credited to our account.    Such a wonderful blessing.   Interesting, there was $100 more than what I asked for.    I think it is an Ephesians 5:20 deal, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think...."    God just does above what we ask.

When we received that packet of papers with our LOA, we also received another bill, and so this money was a very big blessing because it covered almost the entire amount!  What wonderful timing! 

I think one of the most intimidating aspects for most folks with an adoption is the financial cost-and I truly don't know what is going to happen with all of ours.   It's amazing to me really, because when I quit working to stay with our little one, we wondered how it would even work, and that was 3 years ago.    And now we are adopting a child-and including all of those costs, it does seem crazy.  

In the book of Joel, he talks about the great destruction power of the locusts.  He says "They do not push one another; Every one marches in his own column.   Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not cut down"  (Joel 2:8).

The phrase "They are not cut down" can also be described as "they are not halted by losses".

It's so true because the locust just keeps moving.   If he stopped every time he looked to the right, and saw one of his buddies getting squished by a broom or a foot, well he wouldn't make much progress.

However, the reason the locusts are something to fear, is not because they are very big or powerful, but because they keep moving.

They are not halted by losses.

If we stop to mourn a loss.   If we stop to contemplate something difficult in our lives we lose out- because what we need to do -is to always keep moving forward.

That is something that the enemy fears.   He wants us to stop and be concerned.   What he doesn't want is for us to keep moving forward.

The locust is a little guy- but he is frightening- because he doesn't stop.

So with our adoption- we don't stop to figure out how much exactly we don't have- we just keep moving forward.

All that to say-keep moving forward brothers and sisters- follow what God has for you - don't stop because of a loss or difficulty- just keep moving forward!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

LOA !!!!

We got our LOA from China!!!!   

LOA means "Letter of Acceptance".

This means it is official ...China has said yes!  :)

Erin at our agency called me today and I was a little nervous that something had gone wrong.   I was surprised when she told me our LOA had come in already, because it wasn't due in for another couple weeks.  

Erin said it did come in earlier then they expected, and we should plan for late March travel to China.  :)

It's really happening!!!  And it looks like we will get her before her 2nd birthday!  :)

Here is our most recent picture of Elsa (her Christmas picture). 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas Blessings

Our agency decided to bless all of their adopting families with new pictures of their little ones for Christmas.    So on the 23rd we received the cutest pictures of little Elsa in a tiger suit.   :)

It looked to be pretty cold and she was standing by herself in a playground, with a look on her face like she was thinking about what she was going to do next. 

We were so happy to get the pictures.  Our last ones were from the end of September.

If we want pictures and an update-then we need to purchase them.   All the funds go to the orphanage, but it is $80 each time...that's why we have only requested it one time so far.

However, on Christmas, we got a gift for $80 for Elsa's next update!   Hooray!   I'm so looking forward to getting new pictures as well as a written update on everything she is learning.  I'm thinking I will try to have new ones around Valentines day.   This year on Valentines day, the date will be 2/14 in 2014.   Fun.  :)

We were also blessed with a donation check towards our adoption fund.   Yah!  :)

Sold a couple more items online...our rummage sale and subsequent online sales have totaled $1921 so far.

I recently read the book Kisses from Katie.   If you haven't read it- it's a really good book.  I had a tough time putting it down.

Katie has adopted 14 girls in Uganda.  
Here is an encouraging short video which includes an interview with Katie at the end:
Katie writes (on pages 72 & 73): "Adoption is wonderful and beautiful and the greatest blessing I have ever experienced.  Adoption is also difficult and painful.  Adoption is a beautiful picture of redemption.   It is the Gospel in my living room.  And sometimes, it's just hard."
Then she talks about how much the children had to go through -as orphans- before they were adopted by her...and how much she missed out on while they were growing up before she met them.
Then she said: "Adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this broken world.   And every single day, it is worth it, because adoption is God's heart.  His Word says,  'In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will" (Eph 1:5).
"My family, adopting these children, it is not optional.   It is not my good deed for the day; it is not what I am doing to 'help out these poor kids.'  I adopt because God commands me to care for the orphans and the widows in their distress.  I adopt because Jesus said that to whom much has been given, much will be demanded (Luke 12:48) and because whoever finds his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for His sake will find it (see Matthew 10:39)." 
Just like Katie's girls had to go through things before they were adopted-we sometimes go through things before we are adopted by our Heavenly Father.  He wouldn't want us to endure painful things, but our world is broken, and adoption is His redemptive response.  

When reflecting upon her calling to Uganda, Katie quotes Frederick Beuchner:

"The place God calls us to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet" (page 88).

I can't find the quote, but John Macarthur was reflecting on the joy the Israelites had in (re-)building their temple, and he said something to the effect of: true joy comes when we are doing God's work.  It's a joy that others don't always understand, because it may not make sense to them...but it comes because He gives it to us...because we are engaged in His work.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!