
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Loaves & Fishes

My friend Christy and I had been praying together about fundraising ideas.    It is balance, because on one hand I want to have faith and just pray like George Muller did- on the other hand, I don't want to be missing what God is showing us to do.

I thought of the story about the man on his roof during a flood.   He kept praying for God's help, and a boat came by and asked him if he wanted a ride, and he said "No, I'm waiting on God."   Then a helicopter came by and asked if he wanted a ride, and he refused them as well.   Then he drowned.   When he got to heaven he asked God why when he was praying and praying, did God not help him?   God said, "Didn't you see the boat and the helicopter I sent?"

Anyhow, it's a silly story, but it did speak to me.  :)

My friend Jacci also counseled that God may show one family to do one thing, and yet show another family to do another.   That maybe for one family God would show them to just pray, and to another He might show them to act.   And that prayer without any action, could possibly be seen by some as an excuse for being lazy.   Hmmm...lots to pray about!

Christy also pointed out that having a rummage type sale might also bring awareness to orphans, and that's always a good thing.  And when she prayed about it, she referred to the story of the loaves and fishes.

Later when I was reading a Bible story to my little girl, we just so happened to read the story of the loaves and fishes, and it really encouraged me.  
The people had a need- they were hungry. 
It was a big need-there were lots of people.   
And Jesus said, "How many loaves do you have?  Go and see."  (Mark 6:38).

It wasn't about how much they had to start with- it was a matter of giving what they did have to Him.   And leaving the results to Him.

So in my house I have some extra items...not significant, just a few odds and ends.    Ok, let's have this rummage sale and see what God will do with these few items we have!

Christy and I had our Rummage & Bake Sale on Saturday, Oct. 12th.

We didn't have a huge crowd-we do live in the country; but somehow with all of the items sold coupled with donation checks, and online sales afterwards- we raised just over $1700.   And just as there were baskets of leftovers in the loaves and fishes story - we have still more to sell online.  :)   
Aren't most yard sales fortunate to make $100?   Whatever we have- if we give it to Jesus- it can be multiplied.
We were also so blessed and encouraged by the families that baked, and donated items, and shopped on the day of the sale; and of course the family that let us use their front yard for the sale.   There was even a really sweet woman that drove with her little ones all the way from Temecula (about an hour) just to encourage us that day.    We were very encouraged. 
It reminds me of a message I heard by Pastor Mike MacIntosh back in 1999.   It's always stuck with me-I heard it on the radio while going to get pizza.  
Anyhow, he was talking about the story of Moses and how God asked him "What is that in your hand?"  (Exodus 4:2).   All Moses had was a rod.   And with that rod, God did many miracles.   Pastor Mike said, "You may not have much in your hand, but God will use what you do have, and so I will ask you- What is in your hand?"
It's not about what we have already- it's about what He makes out of it.
What is in your hand?


  1. Wow! The faithfulness of God. You just can't out give the Almighty! May He open the doors of heaven providing in every way for your family and this adoption. Blessings!

  2. Thanks Susan! It's very intimidating adopting internationally because of the funds needed. Thank you very much for your post. :)
