
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Elsa's eyesight...a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush

Elsa's eye doctor appointment under anesthesia was today.

It went very well, Elsa had to fast until noon, but she did great.

Here she is in her OR garb...

And playing with her hat....

The hospital staff seemed to enjoy their little patient.

We were praying for a wisdom for the Doctor, to have a solid answer on which direction to go.   We didn't want any uncertainty.   And we were blessed to have an answer.

The Doctor believes that she is seeing out of only one eye, and that would be the eye that would be operated on.  

He said he has worked on patient's eyes that have some of the differences that her eyes have (he also explained what was going on with her eyes); he said they tend to have complications and problems with cornea surgeries, and sometimes patients lose their eye sight completely.

A regular eye can have some complications with surgery, but with the other differences it guarantees problems.

He had one patient that was doing pretty well, but even he had problems.

He said since she has only one eye working, it wasn't worth the risk of her going blind through the surgery, and that with all the eyes he has worked on through the years, he would not do it.

And the man who would make money from a "yes" vote, said that he would not risk it.

He said she gets around great, and is doing well, and to leave her the way she is.

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, or in this case, it isn't even two in the bush...more like 1.25...because cornea surgery wouldn't fix all the other issues anyway.

He did say we should bring her in for regular visits, perhaps annually, to monitor the pressure in her eyes.

So we are thankful.   Thankful to have a clear cut answer from the nation-wide specialist in corneas, specializing in her situation.

Thankful that the child we have, who we were told was blind, can see well enough to get around.

Thankful to have answers and more information...and to move on from this point with greater understanding. 

And thankful for a little cutie pie...

...who is exactly how God made her to be.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Growing Pains

There has been so many changes with little Elsa, but first some pics....
On a hot day, we went to the mall for some fun in the indoor play area.   Elsa is just loving it.   Look at those hands clasped together.  Elsa is a joyful child.  
"I have a decree..."

Elsa likes her robe...and baths..she LOVES water.

She really enjoyed the trampoline park for her cousin Annelise's birthday.
She jumped and bounced with all her might.   

And on the practical side of life.    Her last eye appointment was pretty unsuccessful.   Squirmy little toddlers don't like eye machines!  

June 24th we go in for her light anesthesia and hopefully get some answers.

We don't want new corneas for her, unless they will give her much better eyesight.   The surgery comes with a price that's not just financial.   It will require a future of surgeries throughout her life.   Is it worth it?   Only if she can see much better.     That's what they will hopefully find out on June 24th.

Aside from that, Elsa has been eating a lot and growing.  We brought her home at size 18 months and now she is wearing 2T.

She used to have a flat stomach, and small little legs.    She now has a little belly, and scrumptious little chubby thighs. 

Other than that, we have been working and praying for more bonding between Elsa and us.   It's not takes time and effort.  

Things have been improving greatly as the days go by.   We've done more "cocooning" as it's called.   More time together, and only we hold her, feed her etc.

As I have wrestled in my own heart regarding the growing pains of adoption.  I asked the Lord to help me, and I have heard this verse several times since then.

"Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?   And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?  When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’   The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."  (Matthew 25:37-40).

This verse isn't to pat me on the back.  On the contrary, this verse is to give a new perspective.   That  my attitude about changing diapers, and cleaning up messes, isn't about how much I love Elsa.   It's about me loving Jesus.   Do I love Him?    Then I will show Him that through loving Elsa.

Tough stuff.   

Thankfully we are all growing closer, and things are becoming easier. 

Bonding...are we there yet?  
No...not yet.  

But are we closer?  
Yes...much closer.   

And for that I am really thankful.

She's worth it. 

Not just because I think so...but because He does.