
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Elsa's Ophthalmologist Update and Pics!

Elsa had an ophthalmologist  appointment today...but first here are some pictures of what she has been up to lately.  :)

Spending time with family....

Dressing up with her sister in Chinese clothes...

Playing in boxes...

Attempting to get dressed by herself...everything seems to become a dress...

Learning about's amazing stuff...

We've learned that Elsa may not eat all fruits, but she'll eat them happily in a smoothie!

We were in Carlsbad already and stopped for a brief visit at the ocean...she was so amazed...

Sheer joy...

Next time I'll bring swimsuits and we'll stay longer. 

And one last pic riding a horse....well it's Daddy pretending to be a horse anyway.  :)

Ok, so today at the ophthalmologist we learned that she doesn't have cataracts, the "white cloudy" portion is on the cornea.

We were told that the nationwide leading specialist in her type of eye condition just so happens to also work at UCSD; we will have a joint meeting with both doctors on June 2nd.

The good news is that the Doctor told us that her eyesight would not deteriorate.    

The only question is whether or not surgery for new corneas would be a good idea, and if her eyesight would improve much with them.   

The doctor explained that our eyes are like cameras, and if the lens on the front is smudged it won't take good pictures.   Her "lenses" are smudged.

However, underneath the lens is the film of the camera...and he doesn't know how well her film is working.

Perhaps her eyes don't work well enough to warrant a surgery to change out the "lenses", or perhaps it will improve her eye sight enough to do so.

They can not tell how well her eye functions underneath the cornea unless she has surgery and it is opened up.

Hopefully we will gain more insight at the next eye appointment.

We expected Elsa to be blind, but she can see.   She can see well enough to pick up a raisin for example.   She dodges obstacles and plays just like all toddlers do. 

So we are blessed that she can see.   She'll probably never have great vision, but maybe it can be improved.   We'll find out more on June 2nd.  :)